January 16, 2023
Five Key Areas of Any Retirement Plan
PlanEasy's Quick Bites
- Financial advisors that are helping you holistically plan for your retirement should, at the very least, talk to you about your retirement needs within five key areas
- 1) Wills & Estate Planning; 2) Retirement Income & Cash Flow Planning; 3) Investment Planning; 4) Tax Planning; 5) Healthcare & Long-Term Care
Let’s discuss what each of these five retirement planning buckets could entail at a high level
Let’s discuss what each of these five retirement planning buckets could entail at a high level:
Wills & Estate Planning
- Will/trusts
- Advance Healthcare Directive (AHCD) – A document that combines a “living will” and a “medical power of attorney”
- Financial power of attorney
- Review of beneficiaries
Retirement Income & Cash Flow Planning
- Analyzing cash flow needs during retirement
- Budgeting retirement expenses
- Portion of today’s income needing to be saved/invested
- Sources of income & withdrawals during retirement
- Social Security benefits
- Insurance coverage
- Debt & liabilities: Mortgage, credit cards, personal loans, etc.
Investment Planning
- Minimum returns needed for preferred retirement lifestyle
- Risk appetite today and over time
- Risk of portfolio vs. potential returns of portfolio
- Portfolio analysis and review
- Tax efficiency (IRAs, Roth IRAs, 401Ks, annuities, etc.)
- Upside & downside potential
- Asset allocation and portfolio mix (i.e., how much in cash, bonds, stocks, etc.)
- Review of investment-related expenses
Tax Planning
- Income tax & property tax review
- RMDs/Required Minimum Distributions
- Roth IRA conversions
- Charitable giving
- Estate taxes
- Healthcare expenses during retirement
- Long-term care insurance needs
- Life insurance needs
- Medicare planning
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